Let's face it, it’s almost impossible to build a successful and reputable small business without the use of social media. No matter the platform you use, social media is an essential tool for small businesses to advertise your business, give it personality, and connect with your target audience and customer base.
However, the way that its used can largely dictate how well your social media accounts and marketing campaigns do. Use it well and you’ll build intimate and trusting relationships, but use it wrong and you can shatter your reputation.
So how do you use Social Media to your benefit?

The Do’s of Social Media
Take a minute. Take ten. And really think through what you’re going to post. Controversial posting can definitely lead to success if done correctly, but it’s incredibly easy to do it wrong. Know that however you post is up to you, but the posts you make can and will directly impact your business.
Be Consistent
Consistency has always been key when it comes to social media. It’s best to post, at minimum, weekly or biweekly on your accounts. The easiest way to do this is create scheduled and curated content ahead of time so that you don’t even have to worry about posting week to week.
Communicate and Build Relationships
When it comes to your audience, be sure to listen to them, and engage with them as if you were talking face to face. This will not only give you a better idea of who your audience is, and what they want, but also will build up your reputation and trustworthiness within the community.

The Don’ts
Don't Do Too Much
While you want to post and communicate with your people, you don’t want to overwhelm them. Don’t write long paragraphs on every post, or load up your followers' timelines with posts every hour of every day. This only builds annoyance in people, and even if they like your business, it may leave them with a bitter taste in their mouth.
Don't Neglect your Audience
Neglecting your audience will never lead to any positive outcomes and is a missed opportunity to build up relationships with the people who matter to your business. Your customer base will also likely give good, honest feedback, which is imperative for you to curate your product/service.
Don’t Be Fake
Be sure to be the nicest, friendliest, and most appropriate version of yourself that there is, but don’t be someone that you’re not, and don’t sell your business to be something that it’s not. Your audience will be grateful for your sincerity, and being honest will ensure you’re not setting up expectations that can’t be met.
You Got This
Social media is a great tool to utilize when it comes to building your business, just be sure to do it correctly. Take your time to think things through and post regular, curated content that will engage your audience.
Have questions about social media marketing or want a FREE audit of your social media platforms? Let's chat!